Thursday Feb 22, 2024

49. When setbacks arise. How to handle the unexpected in your already tight budget.

Help! My car needs a $3,000 repair!

Has this ever happened to you?  You're cruising along towards your $ goals and then all of a sudden you're sucker punched with a major unexpected expense?

In today's episode I'm sharing some of the recent setbacks we've experienced and how we're handling them as I continue to work on my goal to pay off all my credit card debt by the time I turn 40 in July.

Unexpected expenses don't have to derail you.  You can still meet you goals and I hope the things I share in this episode inspire you to find a solution and push through (with a 5 minute pity party along the way)

Believing in you!

<3 Krista


My NEW Debt Free Get Started Guide is available for you to snag right now for FREE!  This guide is for you if:

-you've put paying off debt on the back burner because life is full.

-you're not sure where to start.

-you have too much on your plate to scour the internet trying to find your next step. 

-you just need a push to get started and let momentum take over.

-you're ready to be freaking done with debt once and for all.  

You can grab your get started guide right HERE and start getting your plan in place right away to get your debt paid off so you can do much cooler stuff with your money each month than handing it over to credit card companies.  


More resources:



Instagram: @moneymindfulmoms

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